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Preventing Ladder Falls

Preventing Ladder Falls

Do you have to climb ladders to do chores around the house? Did you know that each year in the U.S., more than 500,000 people are treated1 , and about 300 people die2 from ladder-related injuries? Makes you think about ever getting up on a ladder again, right? 

March is Ladder Safety Month. If you absolutely need to climb a ladder to do maintenance, make sure you do it safely. Follow these guidelines: 

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Source: OSHA

One way you can avoid getting on a ladder is to make sure you don’t have to clean your gutters. Leafguard’s proprietary design keeps leaves, pine needles, fir needles, and other debris out of your gutters. This is covered under our lifetime clog-free guarantee* so you don’t have to ever worry about the hassle of clogged gutters ever again. 

With all the ladder-related injuries happening each year, Leafguard simplifies your life by eliminating the need to clean your gutters, and that’s why with Leafguard you can get it and forget it. 

*Guaranteed not to clog for as long as you own your home, or we will clean your gutters for free. 

  1. CPSC (US Consumer Product Safety Commission) 
  2. CDC (Centers for Disease Control), National Center for Health Statistics
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