LeafGuard® respects your privacy and is committed to protecting it through our compliance with this policy. We believe it is important for you to be informed of the policies, procedures, and security measures we have in place to help safeguard your personal and confidential information. We have developed this policy to help you to understand the steps we take to protect your personal information.

How We Collect Information

This policy describes the types of information we may collect from you or that you may provide when you visit the LeafGuard® website (our "Website") and our practices for collecting, using, maintaining, protecting, and disclosing that information.

  • In email, text, and other electronic messages between you and this Website
  • Information we receive from you on applications, e-mails, or other forms when you interact with us, our affiliates, and others
  • Information we receive from a consumer-reporting agency
  •  On this Website

It does not apply to information collected by third-party sites (including our affiliates and subsidiaries) or content or applications that may link to or be accessible from or on this Website.


LeafGuard® strives to keep customer information as accurate and current as possible. If you find or believe that any information in the possession of LeafGuard® is inaccurate, incomplete, or outdated, please notify the Company by e-mail or in writing. Please include your name and address as it appears on your account statement, specify the information that you believe to be inaccurate and include accurate information. LeafGuard® will correct any erroneous information in a timely manner.


This Company has developed strict policies and procedures to safeguard personal information. We restrict employee access to your sensitive personal information to a "need to know" basis. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic information. We educate our employees about the importance of confidentiality and customer privacy. We take appropriate disciplinary measures to enforce employee privacy responsibilities and offer secure e-mail. You should use the secure e-mail anytime you send LeafGuard® sensitive personal information. We are not responsible for circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures contained on the Website.

Privacy for Internet Users

Our commitment to safeguard your privacy also extends to the Internet. If you are just browsing through our Website, we do not collect any personally identifiable information about you unless you voluntarily and knowingly provide us that information, such as when you send us an e-mail or fill out a request for information form. If you provide us this information, it is only used internally and in furtherance of the purpose for which it was provided.

Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses

An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer while on the Internet. Web servers, the computers that "serve up" web pages, automatically identify your computer by its IP address. When collecting information, LeafGuard® does not link IP addresses to anything personally identifiable, which means that a user's session will be logged, but the user remains anonymous. LeafGuard® may use IP addresses to audit the use of our site. They can and will use IP addresses to identify a user when necessary for security purposes.

What is a Cookie?

A cookie is a very small text file sent by a web server and stored on your hard drive, your computer's memory, or in your browser so that it can be read back

later. Cookies cannot "read" information about you from your computer or be used to "steal" information; and cookies do not carry viruses. Cookies are a basic way for a server to identify you (most cookies actually identify the computer you happen to be using at the time, not you personally). Cookies are used for many things from personalizing start up pages to facilitating online purchases. LeafGuard® uses cookies to provide features within the portal. They send a "Web Trends" cookie to all Portal visitors in order to help us collect general information on all portal visitors. This cookie is sent to your computer hard drive and provides us information such as when you accessed our site, which pages you accessed in the portal, and what Internet provider you used when you accessed our site. The information collected through this cookie is not personally identifiable and is only used for statistical purposes to assist in our planning process and our marketing program.

We do not disclose any nonpublic personal information about our customers, former customers, web site visitors or portal visitors to anyone, except as permitted by law.

In the future, we may disclose a portion of the aggregate customer information we collect on the portal to companies that perform marketing services on our behalf.

We will provide you an opt-in or opt-out notice if required by law.

E-Mail Policies

In the future we may send you e-mail notices for certain disclosures if you choose to accept electronic disclosures or statements. We may also send you e-mails to market our products and services that may be of interest to you. We will always provide you an opportunity to opt-out of these advertising promotions if required by law.

Children and Our Website

Our Website is not intended for children. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 18. To learn more about how to protect yourself and your child online, visit www.OnGuardOnline.gov, a Federal Trade Commission website.

Automatic Data Collection Technologies

We use Google Analytics, a Google service that uses cookies and other, similar technologies to collect and analyze information about use of the Website and report on activities and website trends. We also use an enhancement to Google Analytics called “Demographics and Interest Reporting,” through which Google provides us with information about our users’ demographics (e.g., age, gender) and interests. This information, which Google may collect by tracking a user’s behavior across third-party websites, helps us to learn more about our users. You can learn about Google’s practices in connection with this enhanced tracking and opt-out of it by visiting www.google.com/settings/ads or by downloading the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on, available at https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

It is our policy to post any changes we make to our privacy policy on this page with a notice that the privacy policy has been updated on the Website home page. If we make material changes to how we treat our users' personal information, we will notify you through a notice on the Website home page. The date the privacy policy was last revised is identified at the top of the page. If applicable, you are responsible for ensuring we have an up-to-date active and deliverable email address for you, and for periodically visiting our Website and this privacy policy to check for any changes.

Contact Information

To ask questions or comment about this privacy policy and our privacy practices, contact us at info@englertinc.com or 732-826-8614.